Saturday, November 12, 2011

Back Story

My hobbies are quilting, gardening, and cooking. And now blogging. We live in western Montana in a beautiful valley between the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountains. We have been here for 10 years and we love it. When we first moved here from Washington state, one of my goals was to simplify our life. I wanted to slow down and "smell the roses" as they say, whoever they are. There aren't any roses around us, but we had slowed down some....

Well... that was until we bought a business back in Sept. 2008. We moved this business from Seattle; and life hasn't been slow since. We're now in our third year and are finally getting a handle on it. There is so much stress in moving a 50-year-old business and piling it all in our shop and trying to get it set up when you don't know anything about it. We had about three days training from the previous owners (who sold it because it was time for them to retire). During this move, the phones kept ringing and the orders kept coming as we tried to make the move in location and ownership seamless to customers. Everything in boxes and a language of parts and part numbers that we didn't know. To complicate matters, the business was behind in technology conveniences of the 21st century. The previous owner was still using a Wang computer for the business. Now that the business is 'under control' I want to take time to slow down again. To de-stress. There will always be the daily stresses of work, but it is manageable.

Now, back to the start of this post -gardening and cooking have become hobbies of mine (ours) as we try to live a more simple life here in Montana. We have started growing our own food year 'round and are trying to stop eating processed foods purchased in the store. That brings me to cooking more and I have been enjoying that. I will share more about this as this blog grows (pun intended!)

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