Saturday, November 12, 2011


Simple doesn't equal easiest. By living a simpler life I mean back to the basics. I am cooking from scratch more and want to make mayonaise, ketchup, bake bread, etc., and generally cook without using processed foods, we try not to eat foods with ingredients I cannot pronounce.
     Our first step on this new way was to get some chickens. We have five chickens and I love the eggs we get everyday. Here's a comparison of eggs from the store (right) and free range chicken eggs (left). There is a big difference, huh? Free range are lower in cholesterol and better for you.

     I love our chickens! They are funny. My son and I named them, but we couldn't remember the names after a couple days, so they are 'the girls.' During the summer we'd sit out on the lawn and a couple girls would actually hop up onto dear hubby and sit on his lap or the back of the chair for a few minutes. Another bonus from their eggs is that it inspires me to cook because the eggs pile up fast in the refridgerator. Having chickens is more work than running to the grocery store, but having them is part of the simple life.

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